Wednesday 2 April 2014

Evaluation Question 2

 The character I play in the film opening sequence is an innocent girl/woman who is very aware of her surroundings and gets a bit hysterical about things which happen out of the ordinary. This is quite stereotypical of a girl in a thriller film as they are usually portrayed as weak and emotional or damsels in distress that need saving. 
My character is very much alike to Renai on Insidious. She is a mum who is usually alone in a large house who happens to hear unusual things and gets spooked by them. Like my character, she tends to investigate what is going on and seems to be the only person who notices and is effected by what happens. Renai is attacked by an antagonist in the film like I am in the opening sequence. 
There are some differences between my character and Renai. One being that she is able to get help from family where as mine is alone throughout. Another difference is that she is being scared of a paranormal being and my character is frightened by an actual being.
Another character which is similar to mine is Mary Sandin on The Purge. She is also a mum (unlike my character) living in a big house. Similar to my character, she is very wary of what is going on in her home as people break in to it. She is very innocent, emotional and undeserving of what happens to her in the film which is very like my character. She is punished, along with the rest of her family, for helping out a man who was about to be murdered. She tries to hide and protect herself and her family.
Unlike my character, she is able to prepare and defend herself with weapons as she knows that she will be in danger before the villains break into the house.

All three characters are similar in many ways. They are also stereotypical of women in thriller/horror films as they are shown as being weak and unable to defend themselves on their own. They are portrayed as being dependent on a man and very scared of what happens.