Tuesday 18 February 2014

Diary Post 18/02/2014

Today me and Laura started editing our film opening sequence. There is still a lot we need to do but I have figured out the effects I will use on my sequence and the general style of it. I still need to add titles and make the match on action better as well as including the scenes we haven't filmed yet. This will now be done tomorrow instead as we need someone to help with the camera due to both of us being in the scene and our camera person has made other plans (again).

Monday 17 February 2014

Diary Post 17/02/2014

Today we re-filmed some of our footage as it wasn't light enough. We also filmed more scenes and shots so we're almost done with filming. We were limited to the amount of filming we could do as the College's camera battery had run out and we had no one helping with the camera. Tomorrow we plan to put together the shots we've got and try and make them flow as best we can. We'll also finish filming the scenes we haven't gotten round to yet so we will be able to finish the rough cut by thursday. The final cut (we hope) will be done by friday, but some things that are unforeseen may come up and disturb this plan.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Diary Post 12/02/2014

Due to mock exams and art coursework taking priority we have not been able to film. We had plan to film last night (Tuesday) but the person who we had planned to help film our opening had double booked her plans so we were unable to. As today is my last day in college before the half term-due to sociology trip on Thursday and inset day on Friday I will not be able to get any editing done by the half term even if we had filmed tonight. Our plan is to film on Saturday and Sunday so we can edit during the half term, despite dropping marks on time management.